What if...We had a leader at the top who actually cared about the American people for whom he has sworn an oath to to serve & protect?
What if...We had police officers in every city & town who actually weren't
racist & even called out the ones who were...
What if...All men treated women with respect & not as sexual conquests...
What if...All men & women were created equal & not treated as second class citizens because of race, religion, sexuality, social class or title...
What if...Politicians actually worked to make our lives better & served us instead of their own agenda &/or party...
What if...You didn't stand for the national anthem & were not vilified as being un-American but instead as a peaceful protester who's rights to do so are protected under our constitution...
What if...Religious leaders would speak up & call out a President who claims to be a believer of Jesus but also holds a bible upside down for an opportunity to get press coverage, for demeaning women, lying to the extreme to suit his view of any event or situation, bullies anyone for whom he disagrees with, separates children from their parents & locks them up, has political gatherings that endanger the very people he is obligated to protect, thinks wearing a mask during this pandemic is needed for all except him, calls the virus the kung flu, loves to divide us, has no integrity...
What if...We all agreed that abortion is horrible & actually tried to solve the issues that some women see as their only choice because we as a society don't want to understand the many causes that leave them facing this situation & to really help heal & not condemn...Just being on one side or the other does not solve anything other then becoming another issue that divides us...(For full disclosure I am for a women's right to choose), but I pray & long for a time when circumstances would be such that it would never need to be a choice...
What if...We acknowledge that we live in a sinful evil world, but that we can all do something to make it better & understood that even the smallest gesture of LOVE will change many lives...
What if...Those of us who believe in the power of prayer did so right now...
Thanks to all...
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