Our first week back@ the Cafe from our staycation and it was great! Everyone liked the new make over, menu & website. It was good to see lots of the regulars & even some new 'folks'. Our new tag line "You gotta come see Cosmo" was inspired by my neighbor, Mike and I must say, I like it. After all, I live & breathe this place & it will rise or fall by what I do. I am very proud to be beginning our third year of business & of course humbled by the support of all those who have helped us get to this point. I am very confident that this year will be our 'breakout' one! I am a believer that hard work & dedication will eventually reward you. I will never become wealthy from running this Cafe, but I never expected that. I only wanted to supplement our meager SS retirement payments & at the same time stay productive doing something I love. The love part is no problem & the oth...
My journey and experiences....