As I stated in my first try @ blogging (is that even a word?) I am using this venue as a window to my world. I hope that I can keep you all interested and get some comments and feedback. @ age 62 this is an amazing way to have fun and share my many and varied paths in this life. I have to first before this gets away from me, state that I am a follower of Jesus Christ and will always strive to conduct myself in all I say and do as such. I will not preach here but I do hope that my values will shine through. If you ever would like some help with understanding becoming 'born again' please go to As I hinted to earlier I also cooked for a sorority for about 30 young ladies. I have to say it was a humbling time. Most of these girls became second daughters. I always tried to be there if a need arose and to otherwise keep my distance. The energy was contagious and that certainly helped to keep me feeling young. As...
My journey and experiences....