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Showing posts from July 19, 2011

Cosmo's Cafe....The Adventure Continues.....

If you have been following this story, the 'hill' years for me are over and even though I may be considered 'over the hill' by some, I'm not finished just yet!....A seed was set long ago that drives me to continually keep this entrepreneurial spirit alive.  Every time I do settle into a normal employment routine, I get restless and am always looking for a new opportunity.  I loved my last cooking job for Phi Kappa Psi and it was a very difficult decision to leave.  The 'brothers' were a class act and I will always remember my brief but enjoyable time there.  I thank God for allowing me to travel this new path and I pray that I will always be faithful to His will.  My goal is to bring this Cafe back to life, kind of like Gordon on Kitchen The past owner I believe, gave it her all and did the best that she could with her abilities.  I would like to build on that foundation and take this to another level.  The "food = love" formula is...