I've sat back for over these past four years & kept silent as the daily Facebook political posts supporting our now ex-President became even more alarming...Now it's my turn to make my voice known...I can not sit idle any longer...This posting is lengthily & it's my space to write down my thoughts so be fore warned...
Well here it is March 25, 2021 & 563,530 fellow Americans are gone because of the pandemic...We had an inept President & administration for whom facts just didn't matter...The most important duty of a President is to protect us all from foreign & domestic harm & he failed miserably...He has still exhibited no empathy or apology...It still continues to be everyone else's fault..What an inept disgrace of a leader & American... It's amazing to me that he continues to be unfazed & that his cult members still support him...The lies & conspiracy theories continue & we are more divided & dangerous to each other then ever...We have allowed the white supremacy clan to further their ideology because we had a President who gave them a wink & a nod instead of a condemnation...The unbelievable part is that even some Christian leaders, Congress & Senate members are still onboard with it all...
There is plenty of blame to share & not with only the aforementioned, but also with the rest of the Christian right for whom reasons I will never understand, have hitched their wagons to Trumpism...Imagine in your lifetime that you would have ever seen an actual golden likeness to a former President & worse yet people actually adoring over it...I fully acknowledge that I am a sinner & flawed, but for my meager & still growing knowledge of Jesus & His teachings, I believe this must tear @ his heart...First off where did it all of a sudden become the norm that the clergy of any denomination could actually insert their political bias into a sermon...The higher up they are in the God chain the more vocal they were to announce their support for Trump & of course their many legions of sheep just blindly followed..Here are just a few, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr, Mike Huckabee, Robert Jeffress, & Paula White...I won't name the Florida church that I live streamed the Sunday after Biden was given the needed electoral college votes to secure his win, & watch in utter amazement as the Pastor went into a frenzy about Fox News yes, even their beloved Trump TV was now the enemy of the State along with impossibility that Trump could have lost the election without there being massive voter fraud & cheating...The Pastor actually cried & shed tears within the house of our Lord over an election...This made me even more angry at the so called Christian community, that is alive & still spewing hate & lies to gain favor with a particular person or party & not Jesus Himself...
Now that BLM protests have been less visible we can look back at the glaring lack of outcry & support for the movement by most of those same God fearing evangelicals...After all we can now move on to hating the American Asian population...After all the white supremacists like only white, all other races be damned...Maybe someone needs to enlighten them that Jesus was not white & that is an undeniable fact ...Oh & then there was the Blue Lives Matter affirmation that was never understood that it wasn't a contest to see which group mattered more, we all do...If you can't see the uneven playing field between whites & all others then you are hopelessly blind...How about Defund The Police, this has been turned around to saying that those of us who support it must be anti-police...Everyone should be accountable for their actions, especially those that have unlimited power & carry weapons..If you are of the belief that there are no racist cops, no racist politicians, no racist Christians or teachers or store owners or bus drivers or butchers, bakers & candle stick makers, than you are delusional...Sadly some of us know that they are even among members of our own families, in our own neighborhoods, among our own co-workers & yes even our closest of friends...
Everything is a tag line today & everyone is labeled a conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, pro choice or pro life...You are not a Patriot if you don't fly the flag, but are if you used it as a weapon to take down the Police @ the Capital on January 5, 2021...Trump actually just was quoted as saying that the rioters were kissing & hugging the Police...Wow & he continues his lies & folks still line up for more cool-aid...Hey, there's always the My Pillow Guy for a factual analysis of today's events ...
I am of the belief that it's time for a change & not just a feel good one...I am talking about keeping our Democratic way of governance, but refining our mission... It's been almost 245 years that the US has survived, but any historian will tell you we are on a slippery slope of survival...I'm not talking overthrow, but an intelligent conversation about what is working 'For the People' & what is not...We 'ain't' going to survive much longer if we don't recognize all of our faults including the issue of civil & human rights for all Americans...We have a corrupt government for which it is now only about winning elections & keeping all the power & wealth for themselves...When did we begin to stray so far from our original goals as a nation?...
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America...
So do you still think we haven't lost our way?...I pray that we can find a solution & redo our commitment to our 'We the People' again...
One last sad news update: There have now been 2 mass shootings within the past week...Another 18 souls lost to gun violence..Oh & here we go again with the cries of the 2nd amendment allows us to bear arms for after all its my God given right...Enough already, if you are a so called responsible gun owner than why are you so against some determinants to keep them out of the hands of those who are not?... When those innocent school children were shot down in Sandy Hook I thought that this had to be the final time that reasonable people would after the mourning time there would now surely be decisive action...But alas the same old NRA b...s..t & the continued gutlessness of politicians from all parties endured...
It's been a while since my last post & I know I made up for my lack of words in this one & for those who have hung on until the end, my thanks...Love to all & may all Praise, Honor & Glory go to Jesus alone....
Uncle Cos, I'm so sorry - I feel the pain in your words. I think most good Americans want mostly the same things in the end: safety, equality, our rights enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We just differ in how to achieve that. The temperature has been way too high for too many years. The media and politicians stoke that anger (all sides) to gain power. Nothing is more important to me than dedicating my life to Jesus. But I, too am flawed. I never try to offend others. I truly try to live by the Golden rule. I think we all need to unplug from the lies we are told to purposely keep us hating each other. As a news/political junkie since 1992, I have rediscovered my favorite music that used to bring me such joy. I'm happier for it. I'm spending more time with the Lord. That has helped me separate from all the anger. You have always been such a joy-filled person. I'm devastated to see you hurting like this. Even if we may disagree on some matters, I will never disrespect you or your point of view. I agree God is looking down and likely wondering why He ever gave us a second chance after Noah. But this week, Holy Week, is what everything in the universe is all about. We will all stand in judgment one day. I try to keep that in mind every day with every interaction. Hang in there and please try to disconnect when you can. Remember, people in power (all sides) are profiting off your pain. Don't reward them. They don't matter. Only God.