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Fun, Food & Frolic....

So this Monday started out with 2 events for which made for a nice fun day...First off the 2nd orientation was held where parents, grandparents, siblings & of course the new students got to have breakfast & meet the staff,  the President & all the professors & folks that they will be interacting with during their time here....I greeted everyone & welcomed them (I know pretty stressful, ha ha)....
   I have to interrupt this part of the post for Breaking News to announce that this is 'National Rainier Cherry Day'( not quite sure what to make of that other then I do love Washington State cherries...Billie, who is a sweet retired lady from the housekeeping staff will come in occasionally to have breakfast with her friends....She will always let me know whatever national day it is....So far I have been hugged, for you guessed it, National You Need a Hug Day & kissed (on the cheek!) for yes, National Kiss Day!....I can only wait with great anticipation for what national day could
be next...The possibilities are endless for sure, so stay tuned & as always I will interrupt with Breaking News....
   Well back to Monday....The 2nd event was the Fundamentals of Basketball Camp.....They are here until Thursday....There were a total of 97 in here for lunch, for which included about 20 staff....The kids range in age from 7-16, with both boys & girls participating...Needless to say there was a lot of energy in here for lunch....SU basketball fans who are at least as old as I am might remember Mike Lee... He is the coordinator of this group....Mike played for the team from 1969-1973...He was enshrined in the Greater Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame in 2003...Pretty cool to see him & to see that his love for the game is now being handed down to these youngsters....Today one of the items on the lunch menu were something called mac & cheese bites, they are breaded & fried into little triangle shapes...I'm not a fan of them, but one of the kids loved them so much that he came & asked me for a takeout tray so he could fill it up with them to take home....Now I have to admit I can be a pushover especially for the young, so in a moment of mindless glee, I gave him one....After things settled down I started to rethink what I had just done & began imagining a stampede of others wanting to do the same thing with their special food choice!...I quickly came to my senses & found the mac & cheese lover & explained my concern for which he agreed that that was not a good plan....So a potential food stampede was thwarted & maybe my job...
   Well this weekend the Lakeside a Cappella group will be here for a few days so maybe the campus will come alive with the 'sound of music' well at least the  sound of voices....Last week the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference was held....In May we had some painters here & in June the porcelain painter group was here I believe for the 50th year, amazing...
This venue is perfect for these type of groups to meet where they can get lodging, meals & a place to pursue their chosen endeavors...
   Something I have been wondering about before I close this post...One of the things I would never want to hear someone yell out on my watch is food fight...Thanks & may God bless us all....


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