It has been awhile since my last post, but all is well @ the Cafe as we approach Christmas & the New Year. With all that has happened last week in Connecticut it can certainly he hard to embrace the Holidays. There is no making sense or understanding of the killing of any human being let alone 26 children & their heroic teachers. We can only pray for all & continue to love & support each other as best we know how. No words will ease the pain of the families affected & they will need to grieve in their time & their way. I hope we can all come together regardless of our politics or agendas & find away to at least ban these assault weapons that seem to have no purpose related to hunting or sport shooting. The 2nd amendment was enacted in 1791 & I am quite sure that the 'arms' that we have the 'right to bear' did not take into consideration the massive destructive weaponry made today. If you have this compulsive desire to shoot 'guns' that can blast a whole in the side of a brick building, enlist! Than you can 'fire' to your hearts content, all the arsenal that the US has to offer. Will banning certain guns completely stop the slaughter, no, however it could deter it. The NRA's solution is to have armed police @ every school in the country! Amazing, lets see the more guns we need the more they sell! I don't want my grandchildren going into their school each morning seeing an armed guard greet them @ the door. The other 'fix' circulating is to arm the teachers! I know, let's all go 'packin' & we can just shoot our way through every circumstance of life. The greatest country in the world & we are the most violent! I'm sure we spend more taxpayers dollars building sports stadiums (or modern Coliseums as I prefer to call them) than on help & services for the mentally ill. Shame on us. I certainly do not speak or know exactly how Jesus would have handled this situation, but I do know that praying for wisdom & His guidance will give us some answers. Please continue to pray that peace will come in this life.
Now a short story of kindness & love that will give us hope that Christmas is still to be celebrated because there are still many 'bright shinning lights' among us.
It was about 3 weeks ago @ the Cafe that 7 or 8 US Servicemen were having breakfast @ the Cafe. They were mostly 'regulars' who have been in often. At the same time that they were still eating, a young lady by the name of Jeri came in to pick up an order that she had called in for. After cashing her out she asked "have they (indicating the table of Soldiers) paid their bill yet". I answered 'no' & she immediately told me "I want to pay for them". Now let me tell you even after applying the military discount we offer, the bill was 'up there'. She cheerfully paid & asked that I not say anything until she had left. That was a generosity & caring spirit that helped to give me 'faith' that we can all learn from. The 'guys' were surprised & thankful. Thank you Jeri for your 'light' & in turn helping to reignite mine.
As always thanks for allowing me to share & for all your support & prayers & Merry Christmas!
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