Well its Saturday & the Cafe is of course closed on weekends, so a perfect time to share some
thoughts & events of the past week......I am waiting for Kevin to stop by & pick up a lunch that we prepared @ the Cafe for 8 or so sales peeps @ Romano Chrysler.....We have had this arrangement for almost a year & nearly every week.....Sometimes I will deliver, other times we would meet up @ our 7 am Men's Group @ church (we are now on a summer break) & other times, like today he is coming to our apartment to retrieve it before heading to work.....I am not sure that Kevin knows how much this means to me.....His loyalty & friendship & willingness to support my business is most gratifying & humbling....I will forever remember this act of a friend helping a friend.....Thank you Kevin & to all your staff for allowing this to happen.....
This coming week will be another interesting one as with the 4th falling mid-week, I am thinking this can not be good for business....Some will take off the Thursday & Friday after the holiday & that won't be conducive to us as we do serve the local workers in the area.....All we can do is be ready for anything & hope that we can get enough action to keep the bills paid!.....We will be closed on the 4th, but would love to see you all otherwise.....
We had 2 old customers return after a long drought of not seeing them....'Wild Bill' a great character from the local area & a lover of 'our place' & it's food!.....How nice to see him again....Steve (his wife Melinda was unfortunately not feeling well) have also been very happy with us & even gave us one of our first & very positive reviews on Yelp.....They are new Grandparents & that is the reason they have not been in.....I can justify that as Ella Mae & I would give up most anything to have more time to spend with our 4 Grandchildren....I relate all this because it gives me the confidence that all is well @ the Cafe & we just need to 'hang in'......I think I am a little wiser now and have developed some more patience than I ever had, but M-O-N-E-Y & thus sales is what we need, to survive....One thing that has & will not be compromised is my love of this place & the love of entrepreneurship.......
Hope everyone has a great holiday & week.....Thanks for allowing me share & for all your prayers & support......
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