Well tomorrow is officially Spring.....Although for once we have been blessed with beautiful weather & temps for quite a while......We will begin our outside grillin' soon.....I hope once we start, it won't jinx it....Business has been up and down for the past couple of weeks for which I have no explanation.....One thing I do know for sure in this business, nothing is for sure!..lol....It took me many years to learn that I am really not in control of anything.....God has His plan & I have surrendered humbly and gladly to Him.....I pray each morning that all will be well according to His will and not mine......Yesterday, Pastor Mac's sermon was about our 'mission' & that spreading the 'good news' of Jesus was at the core of what and who we are....Now don't 'click off' I am not about to preach!.....I can only hope that God will use me as he pleases to impact those that I come in contact with.....I do believe that the 'Cafe' is my 'harvest field'....It amazes me that even with all my flaws and imperfections, God can use this short, stout, balding, 62 year old to become a 'worker' in His fields.....Pretty simple stuff to be born again.....You only need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for your (our) sins and that the only way to the Father is through Him (Jesus).....What a great season to 'bloom again'......As always thanks for allowing me to share and for your support and prayers.....

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