Well tomorrow begins our 2nd week @ the Cafe....It can't be said enough how much I appreciate the many who have supported me, either with a helping hand, by coming in or with a prayer for our success. Pastor Justin gave the sermon today @ our church (Liverpool Community) and he pulled apart the 63rd Psalm which was written by David. I won't go into any detail here as I certainly do not have Justin's abilities and knowledge, and let me add he is an awesome deliver of the 'word', but I would like to share why David was so special to God. David was in another lonely place (the wilderness) but yet he still realized that praising God was the right thing to do. No matter our circumstance or 'storm' there is always hope in the Lord, period.....I say this because I believe it! I fervently pray that I will always do the same, no matter what 'wilderness' I land in......These are good, fun and exiting days right now for me, but when a storm does come and I find myself in the wilderness let me remember David and his prayer (psalm). When things are rolling along, its' easy but if we end up in the wilderness it's another story....I pray that those who are their now or will be at sometime along their journey, will also remember that God will lift them up and out, in is His way, in His time and ultimately for and to His glory....Thank you Lord for allowing me to do this thing I most enjoy and use me as a vessel to pour out the love you have for us All.....
I've sat back for over these past four years & kept silent as the daily Facebook political posts supporting our now ex-President became even more alarming...Now it's my turn to make my voice known...I can not sit idle any longer...This posting is lengthily & it's my space to write down my thoughts so be fore warned... Well here it is March 25, 2021 & 563,530 fellow Americans are gone because of the pandemic...We had an inept President & administration for whom facts just didn't matter...The most important duty of a President is to protect us all from foreign & domestic harm & he failed miserably...He has still exhibited no empathy or apology...It still continues to be everyone else's fault..What an inept disgrace of a leader & American... It's amazing to me that he continues to be unfazed & that his cult members still support him...The lies & conspiracy theories continue & we are more divided &...
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